Are you looking for a pleasant and welcoming work environment?

An essential quality for La Maison and its employees is open-mindedness. This quality describes the attitude of a person who shows excellent tolerance, interest, curiosity, and an understanding of ideas that differ in part or in whole from their own. In our field, this quality is a definite asset.

Do you want to make a tangible difference in the life of our patients?

Here are the available positions at La Maison de la Sérénité. Please note that the job descriptions are only available in French, but our team is proficient in both languages. Being bilingual is a plus.



Please take a moment to watch the video and read the testimonials from members of the care team about their experiences working at La Maison de la Sérénité.


"For several years now (8 years to be exact!), I have been working as a nursing assistant with the large and beautiful team of professionals of La Maison de la Sérénité in Laval, and I hope to be part of it for a long time. After working in a few other palliative care residences, I must admit that I have fallen in love with this one. If for no other reason than the omnipresent nature, the river running gently, and the birds that come to the patients' windows, I was charmed from the first moments I walked in.

My work as a nursing assistant involves much more than relieving patients' physical pain or providing them with care. It supports them in the most challenging stage of their life. The patient, coming either from the hospital or their home, has often gone through complicated and exhausting treatments or surgeries, and they find themselves having to mourn the loss of their previous life. For us caregivers, admitting a patient can be a very complex task because it is easy to imagine, even for a moment, what they may be feeling at this stage of their life. Therefore, we welcome them with gentleness and empathy as if they were a member of our own family because this is part of our values at La Maison de la Sérénité. I have often heard from families and patients who say they feel so good and safe that they wish they had arrived sooner.

Our objective during their stay is to be attentive to their needs, respect their pace and intimacy, and make them live unique and precious moments. Whether it's setting a festive dinner, decorating their room, taking them out on the terrace so they can enjoy a soft breeze on their face, taking in the outdoor scents, and hearing the birds chirping, all these things usually provide the best medicine. Thinking about all these little details is also what working in palliative care is all about."

- Mrs. Sylvie Audy, Nursing Assistant at La Maison de la Sérénité

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